Video Series: Power of Parents – Supporting Success for Students with Speech and Language Impairments
These videos demonstrate how parent engagement supports student
success. Speech-Language Pathologists talk about how they work with
parents and the things parents can do to support their child’s success.
Parents share stories about their journeys and provide tips on how to work
effectively with Speech-Language Pathologists and Teachers.

Parent Guide For Supporting Success at School
This Parent Guide will help parents to: Navigate the speech and language
service system Prepare for transition to school Understand the special
education systems Participate for the Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.)
development Prepare for an Identification and Placement Review Committee
(I.P.R.C.) Engage effectively with the school system

OAFCCD Newsletter Library
Past newsletters dating back to June 2015

French Language Resources
Guide des parents sur les Measures de soutien visant a favoriser la reussite